Sapphire Sophistication


Artist: Andrea Moser

Size: 48 x 57 cm

Medium: encaustic medium, pigments, shellac

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Artist: Andrea Moser

Size: 48 x 57 cm

Medium: encaustic medium, pigments, shellac

Artist: Andrea Moser

Size: 48 x 57 cm

Medium: encaustic medium, pigments, shellac

We are surrounded by the four classical elements of air, earth, fire, and water within our environment. They are represented by the wind in our skies, terra firma, warmth from sun rays, and a wide variety of watery resources such as rivers, lakes and the seas.
‘Sapphire Sophistication’ represents the water element. Water represents emotional release, intuition, and inner reflection. Water is the element of emotion and the unconscious, as opposed to the conscious intellectualism of air. Water is one of two elements with a physical existence that can interact with all physical senses.