The Wrong Road Home


Artist: Sam Askin

Medium: Oil on Canvas

Size: 31 x 40 cm

Framed: Yes - In Oak

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Artist: Sam Askin

Medium: Oil on Canvas

Size: 31 x 40 cm

Framed: Yes - In Oak

Artist: Sam Askin

Medium: Oil on Canvas

Size: 31 x 40 cm

Framed: Yes - In Oak

Sometimes taking "the road less travelled" isn't planned nor a figurative breath of fresh air. On attempting to navigate home via an alternate route, Gail, as the navigation in my new car has affectionately been named, chose some roads that were definitely less travelled, and some that definitely did not exist. The kind of roads that don't have boundary fences, so cows roam free across them. The kind that get narrower and narrower until they are single lane unsealed paths, winding among hills somewhere in the Queensland interior. The kind that make your beautiful, anxiety-laden, height-fearing, (and apparently free range cow fearing) co-pilot borderline jump out the window around each corner.

Nevertheless, Gail led us here... Wherever here was... And what a beautiful moment to capture and paint! The approaching storm, a free range cow, isolated trees, brilliant green grass following rain, the shadows across the road/path/walking track! It may not have been planned, or stress free... But I will never forget it!